Chakras: How to Activate and Through Chakra by Catherine Boucly

(58) How to Activate and Through Chakra

Chakras: how to activate  and through chakra


If you think back to a time when you felt free to express all of your positive emotions and it seems as if you had a bounce in your step, it was related to the flow of energy in the body. By understanding how to stimulate the chakra energy points, you can experience that state of mind continually.

As a result, the information you learn can help you set up the strategies and guidelines that will best work to help you create changes in your wellness as a whole. When we feel better we look better and our inner peace radiates outward, drawing us to what is wonderful in this world and attracting what is good for us, as well. It’s truly beautiful, as are you.

One of the simplest methods for aligning and harmonizing your own unique signature blueprint and celestial vibration / sound frequency with that of the Cosmos is to meditate on each planet, celestial body or feminine asteroid that influences and governs a particular chakra.


If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 7868

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Sample text:

Despite believing that this is an ancient healing method that is not going to do a whole lot of good for you, the chakras need to be balanced if you would like to be in the best health possible. This is going to make it easier for you to feel good and to keep your emotions in check. 


The benefits that come from balancing out your chakras are going to be closely tied with some of the philosophy that comes with yoga. If you have done some yoga in a class or on your own, you will be able to understand the full body integration that will come when you are done with one of these sessions. We are going to discuss some of the benefits of adding yoga to your routine to balance out the chakras later, but these two are closely related and will help you to get in the best healthy possible. 


It is believed that when the energy of a chakra, or more than one of the chakras, is blocked, there are a lot of issues that can come up. It could lead you to feel pain and a lot of illness in whatever area is being blocked. It can make you feel unfocused, have trouble with relationships, lose your creativity, have pain, and so much more.

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