Chakra: The Beginners Guide to Healing to Be Happy and Improve Health by John Kishimoto

(37) The Beginners Guide to Healing to Be Happy and Improve Health

Chakra: the beginners guide to healing to be happy and improve health


In this book, you are going to learn how to tap into the deepest part of who you are. Inside you is an energy that needs to be utilized in order to reach your higher self. You will be guided on how to use your very own unique chakra for healing both mind and body. 

This wants to help you to better understand and appreciate the concept of chakra and other related notions that go with it. It does not matter if you are just curious about chakra or if you want to learn how to apply the concepts in your life. In either case, you will find this compendium truly helpful. It will be a very effective tool for you to understand the concepts behind chakra.

Creating balance with proper foods and other modality tools is an excellent way to help the chakras spin freely so they work properly. We can simply match beautifully coloured foods to the same colours of each chakra to be worked on. It really is that easy. Learning how each chakra works will give us great insight as to why things happen in our lives. We are creators having an experience here on earth, why not make it the best it can be by doing what we love. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 19150

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


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Sample text:

Basically, there are two reasons for blocked chakras. When you experience a deep psychological issue like a traumatic event, the flow of energy in your seven chakras is affected. As a result, you feel emotional disturbance and see physical manifestations such as sickness or body pain.

Your chakras are also affected by your level of awareness. Spiritual awareness is better understood as spiritual awakening. Your level of awareness is increased as you explore within yourself with the goal of uniting your “spiritual self” with your physical body. The higher your level of awareness, the more open or active your energy centers are. This means that if you have a low level of spiritual awareness, some of your chakras are blocked.

A blocked Throat Chakra results in difficulties when expressing yourself. You may find it hard to construct your ideas, making your communication with others often inconsistent and incomprehensible. Physical manifestations of a blocked Throat Chakra include problems with your thyroid gland, shoulders and throat.



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