Chakra: How to Balance the Chakras Boost Your Energy by Caroline Cross

(31) How to Balance the Chakras Boost Your Energy

Chakra: how to balance the  chakras boost your energy


This book aims to educate you not only on the many different psychic abilities that exist, but also to assist you in developing them yourself.You will be provided with a range of different methods for further developing yourself and your abilities, and in no time will be very in-tune with the universe and the different things it is trying to communicate to you.

heal themselves and their pets, make gardens grow miraculously fast, and help clean the environment. You’ll also see photos of a real fairy handprint, and other visual evidence that demonstrates that fairies are very real indeed.

Chakra is an energy center which locates inside of your body. There are seven of them, and each got unique features. Chakra interacted with the flow of life force and its channel through the aura of our body.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life. 

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 5207

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Sample text:

A chakra is simply the area of interconnection between the body and the spirit. The word chakra is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “wheels of light” which are the energy centers in the human body, which have purpose and association with several aspects of your body, mind, and the spirit. Chakras are also described as the gateways of consciousness. Each of the chakras has a spiritual lesson that when well learnt leads to a higher consciousness.


Since chakras are like wheels of pure radiant energy that spin at a great speed, the rate and the direction of the spin is indicative of how well or open we are. Chakras also work as the body’s antenna, which receives a wide variety of energetic information that you may or may not acknowledge or use. Why is this so, you may wonder? Well, this is because the human body is an electric point whereby waves and electric vibrations are able to pass. The information is received through vibrations and they respond to the information, which they are tuned to. Basically, they use the same principal as that of a radio, whereby, if the signal is not clear or not on the right frequency, it gets static, so an out of tune chakra will cause problems.


Chakras and aura also work as transformers. They intercept energy of similar vibration, and link various aspects of the physical body to its non-physical counter parts. Any negative energy that enters the chakra will manifest in your body as a psychological problem, spiritual problem or maybe a disease. This means that your chakras and auras may sometimes highly damage your body and the only solution to preventing the negative energy from entering your chakras and auras is by balancing them. You need to move the energy of your chakras otherwise it may affect you to a point of death.

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