CGDF 2032-2012 by Yoann FLORES

A journalist renowned in the world who will find himself half and half machine after being the victim of an assassination attempt. Its goal ? Get revenge

Cgdf 2032-2012

2032. Earth is recovering from its last world war involving new generation weapons. ENSL, an internationally renowned investigative journalist, is about to publish an article exposing an important case to the world. Unfortunately, a serious incident compromised the distribution of the latter. However, with the help of his friend, a true genius in cybernetics, he will carry out his investigation thanks to an experimental technology to which he will have access. But during his final affair, he will have to be very careful, when he realizes that his destiny is closely linked to his past ...

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / High Tech

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Time Travel

Language: French

Keywords: science fiction, robot, cyborg, investigation, war, fight, action, technology, engines, fiction, dystopia, violence, romance, time, time travel, power

Word Count: 186010

Sales info:

Currently my book remains little known for lack of communication despite my presence at many fairs and dedications. The chosen theme is very precise. However, I managed to gradually create a fan community. I would like to be able to extend this community by showing my work to the whole world.

My novel exists in the form of a trilogy. However, for a translated version, I would like to sell an unabridged version bringing the three novels together. This version is not yet edited

Sample text:

le Professeur FLOVETTA. Grand ami de la cybertechnologie, il pensait que l’homme et la machine pouvaient se rendre complémentaires à tous les niveaux. C’est ainsi qu’il créa les « MID » comme je les appelle, « Machine à Intervention Divine ». Elles permettaient à quiconque s’en servait convenablement, de pouvoir instantanément mémoriser n’importe quelle connaissance, d’un simple calcul à la maitrise du Kung-Fu. Par bien des fois, ces gadgets m’ont sauvé la vie et je m’apprêtai à en faire bon usage une nouvelle fois. Pivotant de trois quarts sur moi-même, je me retrouvai, quasiment dos à l’agresseur. Face à moi, je constatai que quelques gardes, accompagnés du président, accoururent dans ma direction. L’homme était à présent à ma hauteur. Brandissant sa batte au-dessus de ma tête, il allait me frapper sur le crâne quand, d’un geste puissant et sûr, j’attrapai son bras. Je le fis basculer en avant en utilisant sa force et mon expérience de l’aïkido. D’un geste, je le fis se fracasser au sol dans un bruit sourd et puissant.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Josep Mª Solé Jové

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
