Busting Anti-Vax Myths: Seriously EXPERT Arguments for the Covid-Deniers in Your Life by Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin

An hilarious but incisive satire of the Covid era

Busting anti-vax myths: seriously expert arguments for the covid-deniers in your life

*The book is a satire. The target audience is for those who were critical of lockdowns, vaccine passes etc and a translator who was also those things would be far more likely to enjoy translating the book. However, the book never satirises the harms caused by the virus itself. The blurb gives you a greater idea of it*




Prof. Oisín MacAmadaín is an expert, one of the best, in fact. Founder, sole lecturer and provost of The Termonfeckin Institute of Expertise in Ireland’s beautiful Co. Louth, he knew that if there was one thing governments needed for their response to Covid, it was his enormous brains. Consequently, he has devoted every waking moment of the Covid Era to advising all government cabinets everywhere on the supreme value of masks, lockdowns, mandates and being vaccinated at least once a month.

He was, at a certain point however, utterly horrified to learn of the existence of certain total thickos, tinfoil hat wearers and those who were generally of a conspiratorial disposition. Sensing that the mentally soft among us could be prone to believing any old kind of nonsense, he set out to write a book to counteract the nefarious mis-, dis- and downright crackpot information that is currently being spread among the nether regions of the internet.

Do you have a neighbour or, heaven forbid, friend or family member, who regularly spews utter nonsense in your direction along the lines of their government being out to chip them or that a quack aromatherapy pill like vitamin D might save lives from Covid? Or perhaps you have been accosted by a random conspiracy theorist in the street who adamantly believes that everyone should add horse-dewormer to their morning coffee or that lockdowns aren’t the pinnacle of scientific acumen that they clearly are and that whoever invented them should obviously win a Nobel Prize?

This, at last!, is THE book you need in order to arm yourself with bulletproof arguments and put these poor deluded souls in their proper place once and for all!

In it, you will learn:

How to counteract the views of fringe, far-right scientists who say that lockdowns mightn’t be the best idea (!)
Why society under lockdown has arguably never been better for our general happiness levels or mental wellbeing
How to factcheck like a pro
Why masks make you really sexy (but why wearing masks in combination with pantyhose will not only make you even sexier but will protect you amazingly against Covid)
The countries that did it best: Australia, Canada, Austria and, of course, the dear old Emerald Isle! (Don’t we just punch above our weight in everything?)
And the places that did it worst: Belarus, Mexico, Romania, Florida and Sweden…oh, Sweden! How is it that a formerly liberal utopia became such a far-right nightmare?
The nefarious dealings of prominent antivaxxers and the generally awful consequences of their actions (such as creating vaccine hesitancy disease, an illness almost on a par with Covid itself)
Why the vaccine is definitely a vaccine (because it self-identifies as one and it is vaccinephobic to suggest otherwise)
Why The Great Reset is absolutely 100% what we need and will make us all utterly delirious with joy by 2030

So, sit back, enjoy, take it all in and remember… get your boosters, keep your distance and, for the love of God, stay extremely safe!

Genre: FICTION / Satire

Secondary Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Fascism & Totalitarianism

Language: English

Keywords: covid, coronavirus, lockdowns, vaccine, satire, funny, fauci

Word Count: 45000

Sales info:

2,588 total sales

Reviwed in Brownstone, Spectator Australia, Conservative Woman, European Conservative. 

Sample text:

Lessons from China

We all have a lot to be grateful for when it comes to the Chinese. For it was they who alerted us as to the deadly seriousness of this virus in the first place. 

I’ll never forget watching the videos coming out of China in the early days, one with a fellow walking through a crowded square, sneezing and then him and everyone around him dropping dead. Or that video of a little village just outside Wuhan which showed hundreds of corpses being picked on by ravens in the mist and medical personnel in Hazmat suits desperately searching, and failing, to find just one person who might still be alive.

And not only did they show us just how serious this disease is but they showed us exactly the best way of dealing with it. Indeed, sometimes in science you need brave, new thinking in order to debunk old ways of seeing things…you know, real Da Vinci moments. And that’s exactly what China achieved when they instigated a curfew in Wuhan, encircled it with tanks and the army, and shot anyone who dared leave their homes.  Why we didn’t always deal with respiratory viruses in this way, I’ll never know, but  whoever came up with this needs a Noble Prize, no doubt about it.

And so the world looked, it listened and then it copied and, frankly, we’ve never looked back. In this way, scientific thought was elevated to previously unimaginable heights thanks to Chinese genius.  


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
