Buidling Self-Discipline by Massimo Gill

A 10-Step Guide To Improving Your Level of Mental Toughness

Are you looking to improve your level of self-discipline?

Buidling self-discipline

Do you struggle with staying on task? Do want to build better habits, and wonder what the best way is to do that? Do you have goals, but don’t know how to achieve them?

Have you been searching for a resource to help you get the most out of your life?

If this sounds like you, then keep reading!

Self-discipline is something that can be learned and taught, it is not something that you are born with. This is good news, as it is never too late to begin working on your self-discipline. One of the most common myths behind self-discipline is that people often think that those who have a high level of self-discipline “never have fun” or “are workaholics”. However, this is extremely untrue.

Having self-discipline will help you to achieve all of your goals, no matter how big or small they are.

Regardless of who you are and what you want to accomplish, the basis of self-discipline is the same for everyone. This book will help you understand everything you need to know about self-discipline including the benefits and challenges that it brings, and I will provide you with a step by step process for achieving a higher level of self-discipline along with some practical exercises that you can use to strengthen it.

Never before has there been a book so gentle in its approach and so effective at helping people to change their lives for the better.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology

Language: English

Keywords: how to improve emotional intelligence, define emotional intelligence, stoicism, what is stoicism, self-discipline, how to be self-disciplined, what is self-discipline, how to learn self-discipline, i have no self discipline, what is emotional intelligence, learning stoicism, stoicism for beginners, stoicism easy, modern stoicism

Word Count: 30727

Sample text:

The Relationship Between Habits And Self-Control

A ton of research has been developed recently to explain the numerous elements of willpower. Many professionals that study this area of self-control to this with one goal on their mind. They are about these types of questions: If willpower is a limited resource, what can we do to conserve it? How can we strengthen willpower?

One effective tactic for maintaining willpower is simply to avoid temptation. In the marshmallow study, children were given a choice of being allowed to eat one marshmallow right away or having to wait an undefined period of time to have the opportunity to eat two marshmallows.

They found that the kids who started at the marshmallows during the whole time were found to be less likely to resist the treatment compared to the kids who shut their eyes and refused to look, looked away, or created a distraction for themselves. The technique of out of sight, out of mind, works with adults as well. In a recent study, researchers found that office workers who kept unhealthy snacks such as candy, in their desk drawers consumed it less compared to when they would put the candy on top of their desks at eye level.

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