Buddhism: Teachings and Buddhism for Practice for Beginners by Susan Ussher

(9) Teachings and Buddhism for Practice for Beginners

Buddhism: teachings and buddhism for practice for beginners


Many people live very stressful lives that are overwhelming busy. Taking some time for yourself can have some great benefits. Yoga and meditation are ways that a person can take a moment and simply relax to decrease the daily stress that everyone experiences. Yoga and meditation can both be done from home, and you only need a few moments to get some great benefits. There are some great sources to help you easily learn meditation and yoga for stress relief in your life.

This teaching encapsulates the heart and soul of the Buddha, for it reveals the Law of Lotus that enables all people to attain Buddhahood. In essence, the Lotus Sutra is a supreme teaching of Life. 


This book explores the Buddhist ideas behind the mindfulness techniques that have seen such a groundswell of popularity. It covers meditation not just as a body of techniques for relaxation and stress relief to accessorize our busy modern lives, but as part of a radical system of self-transformation that offers the possibility of profound liberation.

This book gives insight into the many aspects of stress, and shows how we can develop skillful ways to deal with stress and prevent burnout and other stress-related complaints. The author examines the various forms of stress we experience at work and in our private lives, giving particular attention to the causes of stress. He also explains the important role that awareness plays in managing and preventing stress.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 10154

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Sample text:


Mindfulness is a key concept of Buddhism, mindfulness is the ability to become aware of everything, we often do things without mindfulness, we eat without being aware that we are doing it, or even being aware of the very food we eat, we drive without being aware that we are driving, we speak without being aware of who we are talking to, the list goes on and surely you can come up with many examples of yours. There are, according to Buddhism, four foundations of mindfulness: 


Awareness of the Body: this does not just mean your own body, but physical experience and existence as a whole. 
Awareness of Feelings: yet again, this does not mean your own feelings, but the feelings of every living being and of the universe itself. 
Awareness of Mind: not just your own mind, but the mind of others (human and not human) and of the universe. 
Awareness of the Objects of the Mind: the objects of the mind can be described as what our mind focuses on, these may be things or beings, but also thoughts, feelings and ideas, being aware of where our mind is focused is essential to mindfulness. 




Buddhism believes that we are asleep when we are born; you can read this metaphorically if you want. We are asleep because we are not able to connect with the universe as a whole, to experience it fully, this is due to the fact that we react (through our senses and our actions) to everything we perceive; therefore we feel our perception of the experience, not the experience itself. It is a subtle but important difference, this is the very function and meaning of Samsara, we need to awaken to the true reality beyond the veil of perception. There are 7 stages to awakening: 


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