Buddhism: proven Strategies And Steps On How To Your Mind for life by Chaya Sullivan

(1) proven Strategies And Steps On How To Your Mind for life

Buddhism: proven strategies and steps on how to your mind for life


The very idea that the teachings can be mastered will arouse controversy within Buddhist circles. Even so, Ingram insists that enlightenment is an attainable goal, once our fanciful notions of it are stripped away, and we have learned to use meditation as a method for examining reality rather than an opportunity to wallow in self-absorbed mind-noise. Ingram sets out concisely the difference between concentration-based and insight (vipassana) meditation; he provides example practices.

The truth is that all of us face issues like stress, anxiety and sadness as we go through life. When we make plans and they don’t work in our favour, we tend to become frustrated or depressed. Unfortunately, some of us feel lost even if the plans actually do work out. Acquiring material wealth has failed to give us lasting happiness. So what can we do to effectively deal with this internal conflict? That is exactly what the Buddha asked  years ago and his findings have been passed to us through generations in the form of Buddhism.


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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 5603

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Sample text:

Buddhism is a 2500-year-old religion started by a wealthy prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who would later be known as the great “Buddha.” The religion was started in India, and the belief in Buddha’s teachings has spread throughout the world over a period of thousands of years. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion that teaches people how to achieve eternal happiness in both their physical life and for their soul in the afterlife. The way to achieve this happiness has to do with raising their karma levels and doing good deeds on Earth in order to get reborn into a better life later on, or to achieve Nirvana and have eternal happiness forever. This is the gist of what Buddhism is and what its followers try to maintain in their own lives.


The Mahabodhi Temple in the town of Bodh Gaya in India. This is where Buddha used to sit and meditate for hours till he got enlightenment.

The reason for the religion all started with the prince and how he had confusion about life and death after his grandfather died. This caused him to travel away from his luxurious castle and face the rest of the world, which wasn’t so lavish. When he was outside on his own he saw lots of people suffering and in pain all around him. Instead of running back to his castle for sanctuary, he decided to figure out how to help these people. So he gave up his life of luxury and traveled the world as a monk to discover the truths about how to end suffering.

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Already translated. Translated by Alina Madrid

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