Blue Hole by Rolland Love

Blue Hole & River's Edge Are Mystery Suspense Novels are based on a dead man I found in my swimming hole.

Blue hole

AMAZON KINDLE — Featured Author Review — Rolland Love “Love’s writing transfigures his Ozark Mountains stories into a series of fantastic tales Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer could have only dreamed of.”  

"Mark Twain would have loved this excellent adventure of two brothers," readers say. "It's like Finn and Swayer rolled into one. Doc has disappeared and it’s up to Tommy (15) and Dub (12) to go to Blue Hole remote area in the Ozark Mountains and see if they can find him. This is a story about growing up. About facing your fears and standing up to them and about doing the right thing even when everything inside you wants to turn and run. Blue Hole has everything, the dreaded Conner brothers, Buzzard Thompson a man nobody has seen in the past ten year who lives in the deep woods, ghost, snakes, caves, bats, hearing twigs snap when someone is following you and birds and wild animals sounds: fishing on a bank when the fog was too deep to see across the river and mystery murders. Enough moment to moment to chill even the hard core mystery reader to the bone. Out of over 500 reviews many readers agree Blue Hole is a masterfully constructed story.

Genre: FICTION / Suspense

Secondary Genre: FICTION / General

Language: English

Keywords: fish, river, cave, murder, suspense

Word Count: 50,000

Sales info:

Readers enjoy Blue Hole and give it mostly 4 & 5 start reviews.

Sample text:

Under a full moon with a blazing fire and the sounds of night creatures, two brothers are camped on the bank of an Ozark Mountain river. They are all alone except for what is floating in the Blue Hole behind their tent.  

I was awakened in the middle of the night by a scream from the back bedroom. A man with a deep loud voice shouted, “I’ve got to have hot water now.”

From the kitchen a woman yelled, “Water’s on the cook stove!”

My dog Trouser came over and licked my bare foot. I sat up on the side of the bed, rubbed my eyes and draped a wool blanket around my shoulders. I slid out of bed and walked across a cold hardwood floor.

“What are you doing up, Tommy?” Aunt Mille asked, as she rushed past me with an armload of towels and a sheet draped over her shoulder. Her long, blue cotton dress made a swishing sound as the hem dragged across the floor. Before I could say anything, I found myself standing at the bedroom door. The scene was strange and scary, like something in a dream.

Sitting on white wicker tables, one on each side of my mother and father’s bed, were kerosene lamps with thick yellow flames dancing inside glass mantles. The outlines of the people in the room cast dark shadows on the bedroom walls. The smell of burning oil permeated the air. I backed up when I saw a tall, broad-shouldered man with bushy white hair standing at the foot of the bed. My heart began to pound when I realized who it was.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mabel Lugo

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