Amnesia by Mario Escobar

A Dark Psychological Thriller


AUTHOR WITH OVER 800,000 COPIES SOLD Are you ready to remember? Discover the novel that everyone talks about this year. "Sometimes memory puts us to the test and we dare not remember who we are." International Falls, Minnesota, July 4, a woman is found unconscious and covered in blood in the Voyaguer National Park. The rest of her family has disappeared and she does not seem to remember anything. Dr. Sullivan, director of the city's psychiatric center, and Sharon Dirckx, assistant sheriff, who can still do everything possible, without knowing it, in the game of lives, his idea of ​​sanity and accidents to the doubt of what the patient is telling him Time runs against him and every minute counts to find the three missing, before it is too late. With an agile style and impressive images, Mario Escobar builds a thriller that explores the limits of the human being and breaks the schemes of the suspense genre. Love, hate, revenge, terror, intrigue and exciting action flood the pages of the novel. Reviews: «Mario Escobar has dedicated his entire life to researching the great human conflicts in two dozen published books. » Newsweek in Spanish «Mario Escobar is currently one of the best selling self-published Spanish writers. » Europa Press «Mario Escobar has come to fruition those literary values ​​proposed by Borges:" entertain and move ".» Anika among books "In the writing of Mario Escobar, there are enough ingredients to survive all kinds of things for the benefit of marketing. An agile narrative, a remarkable setting, small doses of enigma and mystery and above all a fabulous final work. » The Gangsterera "Escobar has found one of the keys of the electronic publishing market." A B C

Genre: FICTION / Psychological

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Suspense

Language: Spanish

Keywords: suspense thriller , mystery , horror

Word Count: 39.923

Sales info:

Bestseller author among the best sellers in Spanish on Amazon platform and Googleplay. This book is new.

Sample text:


Lago Narrows, Minnesota, verano.

Paul y Robert habían salido antes de la oficina para pescar en el lago. Eran amigos desde la Primaria, trabajaban en la misma agencia de viajes extremos de aventura y se habían casado con dos de sus compañeras de la Escuela Secundaria; Rosemary y Anna, dos de las muchachas más guapas del condado y las mujeres más absorbentes del estado de Minnesota. El único momento del día en el que les dejaban tomarse unas cervezas, hablar de los viejos tiempos y olvidarse de su monótona vida en aquel lugar apartado del mundo, era cuando salían a pescar. Paul siempre tomaba la iniciativa, por algo había sido el capitán del equipo de rugbi. Era de corta estatura, pelo castaño, perilla algo canosa, ojos avellana y complexión robusta. Su amigo Robert era más alto y estilizado, con el pelo lacio y más moreno, las facciones suaves y una voz ronca.

Los dos amigos caminaron por el sendero, después de dejar su furgoneta Toyota en el camino principal, hasta un lado del lago donde siempre había un gran número de peces. Aquel lugar era especial: en otoño los árboles rojizos parecían arder bajo el sol mortecino de octubre; 







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Already translated. Translated by Isabelle de ROSE
Author review:
Very good

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