America the Great Satan: A Book of Poetry by Unpa T. Riotic

The poetry book that will blow your mind and make you realize the term 'Christian Patriot" is an oxymoron and patriotism is little more than a popular sin.

America the great satan: a book of poetry

With professing Christians in a huge state of apathy and the body of Christ on the decline, all it takes for a political leader to gain the confidence and allegiance of the masses is mere words. Christians have forgotten that they were not only called to love, forgive and be peacemakers, but to judge, rebuke and admonish as well. They have forgotten that leaders are to be rebuked publicly. They have forgotten that those who claim to be Christians but live in unrepentant sin are to be excommunicated from the body of Christ. Today, Christians in the United States of America are asleep and it's time for them to WAKE UP!

While Jesus Christ taught His followers to love their enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute you, various Presidents, politicians and even religious talking heads command their constituents and listeners to kill their enemies, do evil to them that hate you, and bomb them that persecute you. The question is, who will you follow, the Religious Right or the right religion, the Constitution or the Word of God, the POTUS or Jesus Christ?

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: POETRY / General

Language: English


Word Count: 13,583

Sales info:

Slated for a December 1, 2015 release.

Sample text:


76 people were killed in Waco
Does anyone care, do you want to know,
About those babies and how they died?
They were burned to death as their mothers cried

The government's responsible
And it should be held accountable
But you don't want to hear that do you?
You'd rather just relax and play a game of Clue

And take your mind off things of such weight
And figure in your heart it's much too late
To do anything about the killing that day
Besides it will never happen again you say

But that's like saying it will never again rain
You better believe AmeriKa will always cause pain
To some poor family or group of believers
Like the family in Ruby Ridge called the Weavers

Or even to another nation like Iraq
If the U.S.A. isn't killing its own, it's on the attack
There's always something to be done in the White House
To torment, torture and scare the poor mouse

That is, the lowly citizen of AmeriKa
Just ask Branch Davidians and they'll tell ya
The government slaughtered their babies
As if they were wild dogs, sick with rabies

They even killed the leader of their clan
Yeah, he may have been crazy, but he was still a man
And didn't deserve to be gunned down like a dog
Or some axe murderer running through the fog

The guy was a bit nutty, that's for sure
But so is George Bush and many, many more
Men and women and even the little guys
But do they all deserve to be tortured and die

I hope you answer that question with sincerity
And stop covering for your government's insanity
Those little children in Waco did not deserve to die
Anymore than you or I

So you need to ask yourself ...

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

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