Alkaline Diet: The Secrets To Healthy & Easy Alkaline Diet And balence Your Health by Juan Britton

The Secrets To Healthy & Easy Alkaline Diet And balence Your Health(30 day Lose weight)

Alkaline diet: the secrets to healthy & easy alkaline diet and balence your health


the book also gives detailed information on foods necessary for having a balanced healthy system. It also provides information on the effects of acid in the body and the best ways to maintain the pH balance in our system. Consequently, this book contains the necessary and accurate information needed by every adult throughout life, devoid of health issues.

The modern western diet contains many acidic foods that raise the pH of the human body to dangerous levels. This acidic environment promotes disease and illness, and can make us unwell, lethargic, and lack in energy

You will learn about the different alkaline foods that you can enjoy, as well as the foods that you should aim to avoid. The benefits of the alkaline diet are numerous, as you will discover through reading this book. To help you get started with the alkaline diet, this book also includes a large range of alkaline recipes that aim to re-balance your pH levels.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health

Word Count: 21444

Sales info:

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Sample text:

We see talks about different macro diets all over the internet today. The focus is usually on foods that help you maintain a fit body, with maximum digestive comfort. Yet, a lot of people tend to forget about the factor of body pH.


Your body’s pH matters a lot more than you think. With the wrong pH levels, your body can end up being a host for a ton of ailments that destabilize you. That is of course the last thing you need if you’re into fitness.



The State of Acidity.

An acidic body is dangerous for your health. Problems such as arthritis and cancer are prone to development in such instances. Inflammation and constant bodily problems is another issue with body acidity. This applies especially to joints, where inflammation occurs since the excess acids gets deposited there.


Add to that digestive problems too. A higher average pH in your body means your intestines will be more acidic than normal. This could cause sharp stomach pains from the high acid content in your intestines.

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