Alkaline Diet: The Easy Alkaline Diet Plan for Weight Loss and Healthier(Delicious Alkaline Recipes) by Jennifer Gibbs

The Easy Alkaline Diet Plan for Weight Loss and Healthier(Delicious Alkaline Recipes)

Alkaline diet: the easy alkaline diet plan for weight loss and healthier(delicious alkaline recipes)



The Alkaline Diet is based on the underlying concept that your body has a pH level that can be manipulated by the foods you eat. When we metabolize food, we are creating either an alkaline or acidic balance. Foods that cause our levels to shift to overly acidic are making us work harder to rebalance this highly regulated area. Basically, the body must always be in balance, so it’s going to do whatever it takes to maintain that balance.

You see; your body needs to be slightly alkaline in order for you to enjoy health. But many of us exist on empty, high-calorific foods that are overly processed and contain shocking levels of processed sugars, saturated fats and other carcinogens. And we live an unhealthy lifestyle of stress and toxins, and neglect many of our body’s needs. The result can only be sickness. All of these things create an acidic environment which makes us fat, sick, depressed and significantly more likely to end up in an early grave. 

The recipes laid out in this cookbook are very easy to make and for people on the go! Smoothies make eating healthy so much easier. The absolute best advice you can get on eating healthy, alkaline focused smoothies is to focus on green, and also other colored foods that contain vital nutrients


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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating

Word Count: 5432

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Sample text:

We often hear people advising one another about how to be healthy, stay fit, to look slim and adopt wellness as the cardinal principle of life. We also promise to ourselves to adhere to health and diet regimens the very next day. How obsequiously health conscious we are! Alas, our senses fall prey to the temptation of food and modern way of life. This sets us up, (without control) for bad patterns, ill health, weight gain, stress, etc. The enticement of sleep keeps us bed-bound, and we prefer to rest, watch TV and eat a few extra calories with the resolve to start a rigorous workout the next day. This becomes a vicious circle that affects our entire life. Unconsciously, we destroy the foundations of our health – our own little ecosystem that can easily solve all of these problems. When putting together your ''health regime'', the first major component you need to figure out is types of food to eat. That is the easiest way to finally solve the problems you've been struggling for years.

There are thousands of diets out there. Despite that fact, a lot of people fail at achieving the results they want, every single year. But unlike most other diets, the rules of Alkaline diet are very simple – eat alkaline foods and avoid anything that will raise the acidity in your blood.

But what is the big deal about the Alkaline diet? Why is it so effective? These questions are easy to answer. Alkaline diet is all about achieving the weight loss and health through the pH balance of the blood. In order to achieve your ideal weight and maintain your health, you will have to do something about the food you eat. Alkaline diet plan will increase the body's ability to utilize fats, reduce the levels of insulin and suppress appetite

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