Alkaline Diet: The Alkaline Diet Recipe Book for Beginners and Reclaim Your Health by Jennifer Hargis

The Alkaline Diet Recipe Book for Beginners and Reclaim Your Health Alkaline Diet Recipes

Alkaline diet: the alkaline diet recipe book for beginners and reclaim your health


 The body heals quickly and miraculously when we nourish it properly and give it rest. Learn how the body TRULY functions and you see how the magic to heal and live a live of vibrancy and happiness is within each and every one of us. You will be surprised at how simple and fun it is to change you life around from being sick and tired, to being Radiant, Energetic and Happy like you never thought possible.

Healthy eating is important if you want to live a healthy, stress-free life. The question is: What exactly does healthy eating entail? Does it mean eating everything organic, natural and free from genetic modification? Well, yes and no. Yes, because organic, natural and genetic modification free foods are the key to a healthy life. No, because some of these that meet the description produce harmful reactions when consumed. 

Why is that so? Well, because proteins, carbohydrates and fats from different sources have varied effects on the body. Some tend to cause an imbalance of the body’s pH resulting in a wide array of health complications. In particular, those foods that cause the body to become acidic have the worst effects (the body has a slightly alkaline pH), which is why it is important to insist on eating healthy organic, natural and genetic modification-free foods that favor the creation of an alkaline state in the body. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.



Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation

Word Count: 12978

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Sample text:

Our body is very well equipped when it comes to naturally defending itself from various diseases and health issues.

The natural feedback system also allows the body to keep itself protected from sudden changes in pH! Thanks to the fantastic job of our Kidneys, we are kept safe from the harmful effects of Acidosis. 


Well, whenever the acid level of our body tends to increase, the Kidney starts to send the excess acid to the bladder, which is later on excreted through urination.

The Kidney also helps to maintain the levels of bicarbonate in our body that helps to tackle unwanted acidic effects as well.

However, that's not to say that the kidney can save the day all the time!

In worst case scenarios where the Acidic level goes beyond the tolerable capacity of the kidney, health complications begin to show up.

Early on, these complications won't be dangerous; however, they will increase with time.

You should be aware though that the kidneys aren't the only organ that helps to maintain a proper pH level!

In fact, the lungs play a significant role too.

Carbon Di Oxide is the by-product of cellular metabolism, but the problem occurs if it starts to get mixed with the blood as it causes it to become acidic.

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