Alkaline Diet Cookbook: Complete Guide To Understand And Alkaline Diet For Beginners by James Couch

Complete Guide To Understand And Alkaline Diet For Beginners

Alkaline diet cookbook: complete guide to understand and alkaline diet for beginners


The alkaline diet theory is based on the fact that the pH of our bodies is a little alkaline, and according to that, the ingredients of your supposed diet should be put together. In this guide, you'll learn about all the benefits, tricks, shortcuts, and necessary know-how of the alkaline diet. You will hear about topics like.

The Alkaline Diet permits you to get back in contact with your body. It encourages you to be all ears to what the body has been trying to tell you all along. This lifestyle and diet refers back to those of our ancestors who did not face the terrible diseases and disorders that have emerged today. Their menu included vegetables and fresh fruit, legumes, nuts etc. but with the dramatic agricultural modification, our diets have evolved. 

Diets intended to help your body keep the acid-base balance are called alkaline diets. These diets can help lower the acidity in your body and cause less wear on your organs, like your kidneys. This book will give you an overview of what an alkaline diet requires, some basic recipes and some tips and tricks for getting your diet switched to an alkaline diet. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 10208

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Sample text:

Ingredients for the Tofu Omelet

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

2 cloves garlic
1 package soft tofu

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon arrowroot

1/2 cup chickpea flour

Directions for the Tofu Omelet

In a food processor, add turmeric powder, garlic, soft tofu, salt, and olive oil; puree until it turns smooth.
Add chickpea flour and arrowroot with the pureed mixture and blend.
Preheat a skillet, grease with little oil and pour the omelet batter; cook for 4 minutes before flipping.
Flip omelet over and cook for a more minute.


Ingredients for the Filling

2 cloves of garlic

1 pound asparagus

¼ cup balsamic vinegar

¼ cup olive oil

Pepper and sea salt to taste


Directions for the Filling

In a zip-lock bag, add the asparagus and pour olive oil, vinegar, sea salt and pepper and garlic; leave the marinade for 2 hours at room temperature.
Once done, add the asparagus and marinade mixture in a large pan and cook for 8 minutes.
Insert the filling in the tofu omelet and transfer to a plate for serving.

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