Alkaline Diet: Becoming pH Balanced in an Unbalanced World and Meal Plan for Losing Weight by Speedy Ross

Becoming pH Balanced in an Unbalanced World and Meal Plan for Losing Weight(40 Powerful Natural recipes)

Alkaline diet: becoming ph balanced in an unbalanced world and meal plan for losing weight


You've heard about it before; too much acidity will eventually cause damage to your health and the manifestations can be both mental and physical. From gaining more energy to losing weight, the alkaline diet will certainly benefit you significantly. The best thing is, you don't even have to starve yourself to make it happen. Start today and see the changes for yourself.

In this book you'll discover the importance of alkaline foods for getting healthy in a natural way and how weight loss comes next just as easily. The standard diet is filled with acid foods that deplete your body of valuable minerals. This leads to a condition called acidosis (which is the opposite of alkaline), which is the basis of all diseases and weight gain.

Your body is capable of maintaining an acid-base balance, but there is a lot you can do to help your body maintain the right balance. By eating alkaline promoting diets, you can help your body keep the acid-base balance in your body and help your body stay healthy. High acidity in the body can cause heavy wear and tear on several of your organs.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 15339

Sales info:

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Sample text:

What is the alkaline diet? The term alkaline diet refers to a group of diets that are closely related based on the fact that different food types can affect the body’s pH balance.


The alkaline diet supports the consumption of green leafy vegetables, lots of fruits, nuts, salads, seeds and drinking alkaline water. The diet discourages the consumption of foods such as eggs, grains, cheese, and some meats. Other foods that negatively impact the body and cause acidity include dairy, burgers, sweets, cola, beer, chocolate, and chips.


To lead a healthy lifestyle, a person needs to ensure that at least 70% of their food is alkaline, and the acidic foods should be limited as much as possible.


The diet is very simple and provides a realistic approach to health. The human body functions best in an alkaline state. This is because it is designed to remain and operate best when in an alkaline state. The body does everything it can to remain in this state. The problem is that when we consume unhealthy, acidic foods, then our bodies become overwhelmed by acidity, and this can result in serious consequences. The situation is made worse when a person does not exercise, is stressed, and hardly gets sufficient sleep.

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