Alkaline Diet: Alkaline Recipes For Weight Loss, Restore Your Health(Alkaline vegan recipes) by Jason Stone

Alkaline Recipes For Weight Loss, Restore Your Health(Alkaline vegan recipes)

Alkaline diet: alkaline recipes for weight loss, restore your health(alkaline vegan recipes)


Alkaline is the answer to getting a better night’s sleep, rebalancing your hormones, curing yourself of disease, clearing your skin, reducing allergies, and much more. You can do this through the power of nutrient-packed foods, herbs, spices, supplements and some tweaks to your lifestyle. 

Welcome to a fantastic journey into vitality based on my personal experience. Here you're about to discover the truth behind healing and the secret to living a life free from dis-ease. I'm sure you've heard the phrase,

You will feel everything begin to click and make sense as life starts to work for you, rather than against you. Through this journey you will build a more intimate relationship with your body as you tune in and listen, you will get to know the best doctors in the world. Sunshine, Water, Rest, Air, Exercise and Diet! Health is holistic and true vitality is achieved when every cell of your body begin to work in harmony with one another. This includes making sure your kidneys are filtering and your lymph is moving and using herbs to target your adrenals, thyroids, pituitary and pineal gland.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating

Word Count: 12927

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Sample text:

Now that you have a good grasp of the core concept of Alkaline diet let me explain the concept of "pH" levels. 

A good understanding of pH levels is exceptionally crucial to comprehend further how Alkaline diet works.

So, generally speaking, pH is a component of our blood that is known as the "Potential of Hydrogen."

While assessing the level of pH in liquid, it is possible to determine whether a liquid is alkaline, acidic or neutral.

Regarding humans, we usually measure the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids and tissue.

The measurement is done on a scale of 0-14 (refer to the picture above). The standard convention of reading the scale is as follows:

The lower the pH value, the more acidic a solution is
The higher the value goes, the more alkaline the solution is
7 is considered to be the neutral point on the scale 

The pH level of our body usually stays at 7.4, which is deemed to be the safe point at which the body’s mechanism works at optimal efficiency. 

However, it has been deduced by researchers that a slight increase in the alkalinity level of pH tends to improve the overall health condition of the body significantly.

It should be noted though that the pH level of the body varies from one region to the next. For example, the stomach is generally regarded as naturally being the most acidic part of the body.

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