Alkaline Diet: A Great 25 Delicious Alkaline Recipes For Every Day by Richard Canavan

A Great 25 Delicious Alkaline Recipes For Every Day

Alkaline diet: a great 25 delicious alkaline recipes for every day


The Alkaline Diet is based on the underlying concept that your body has a pH level that can be manipulated by the foods you eat. When we metabolize food, we are creating either an alkaline or acidic balance. Foods that cause our levels to shift to overly acidic are making us work harder to rebalance this highly regulated area. Basically, the body must always be in balance, so it’s going to do whatever it takes to maintain that balance.

The Alkaline Diet is neither difficult, nor boring. Eating Alkaline Foods can be interesting and fun. This book was created to show you how much healthy variety you can put into an alkaline diet. Once you begin to experience the wonderful benefits of higher energy levels, you will wonder how you ever managed to live your life without it. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 6769

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Sample text:

You do understand that what goes on inside your body reflects outside as well, don’t you?

It is often said –you are what you eat! If you put in health promoting, alkalizing foods into your mouth, you do experience the benefits of flawless skin, toned abs, radiant eyes, disease free lifestyle and overall great health and well-being.

No doubt, your body is one of the best machines ever created and therefore has a well-defined strategy that controls its pH balance, however, what you eat can stimulate the growth of good or bad organisms in the body. An example could be consumption of a high quantity of acid forming foods that could trigger the growth of bad bacteria and fungus inside the body.

In fact, presence of unwanted bad microorganisms could also hamper the ability of your body to burn off fat. Did you know that the fat is carried to the muscles for burning and the cells in your body are responsible for transporting this fat? An excess amount of acidity in your body can cause a hindrance in this process and therefore, prevent the fat from being burned off. This is precisely the reason why a number of individuals fail to lose weight in spite of following a strict weight loss diet.

When you consume a diet high in acidic foods, your body, in its endeavor to maintain balance gets into a defense mode. It tries to react by producing a substantial amount of alkalinity. Now, if this process continues for a long time, the stored resources that are necessary to maintain balance and are present within your body, begin to deplete.

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