Alkaline Diet: A Complete GUide for Alkaline Diet plan(A Enjoy Lifestyle Biginners) by Mark Plane

A Complete GUide for Alkaline Diet plan(A Enjoy Lifestyle Biginners)

Alkaline diet: a complete guide for alkaline diet plan(a enjoy lifestyle biginners)


Effective, 100% natural solutions to feel amazing and start losing weight. Without feeling deprived. Once and for all.

then presents a list of thousands of foods and their acid-alkaline effects. Included are not only single foods, such as fruits and vegetables, but also popular combination and even common fast foods. In each case, you’ll not only discover whether a food is acidifying or alkalizing, but also learn the degree to which that food affects the body. Informative insets guide you in choosing the food that’s right for you.

That is why, this book runs about Alkaline diet which is also known as the alkaline ash or acid-alkaline diet. It is based around the idea that the foods you eat can affect the alkalinity or acidity (the pH balance) in the body. As it turns out, this ash can be acidic, neutral, or alkaline and enthusiasts of this diet, say that this ash can precisely alter the acidity of the body. So, eating foods that contain acidic ash makes your body acidic and if you eat foods that contain alkaline ash, it makes your body alkaline. Neutral ash has no effect. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 10090

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Sample text:

Alkaline foods are unprocessed, fresh, and are rich in nutrition. They mainly consist of fruit, vegetables, beans, whole grains, grasses, and sprouts. These foods need to make up at least eighty percent of the overall diet. Not only are they able to provide phytonutrients, as well as antioxidants, but these foods also support organ functions. They also help keep the cells functioning properly. Incorporating this type of food has a positive effect on a person’s overall health.

Are you acidic?

There are some signs that the body is currently an acidic environment. If you find that you have uncomfortable pain in your joints, experience frequent heartburn, get urinary tract infections, have poor digestion, get kidney stones, have receding gums, or have skin issues, then you may benefit from going on the alkaline diet.

Maintaining Healthy pH Balance

According to Harvard School of Public Health, the plate should have at least 40 percent of vegetables, 25 percent protein, 25 percent grains (whole), and 10 percent fruit. This is to maintain a good and healthy metabolic pH balance. This is also true for the overall consumption of foods. A rule of thumb is to eat fresh, unprocessed, and natural foods. Reduce the intake of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, artificial sweeteners, and drugs.

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Already translated. Translated by Ana Hidalgo

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