Alkaline Die: A Complete Guide to Alkaline Diet Cookbook(Scrumptious Recipes) by Kathryn Randell

A Complete Guide to Alkaline Diet Cookbook(Scrumptious Recipes)

Alkaline die: a complete guide to alkaline diet cookbook(scrumptious recipes)


As you probably know, the pH levels in our body are very important for the proper assimilation of food. Before continuing with this book and talking about the different recipes, it is crucial that you know, at least to some degree, the scientific implications of this diet. This will allow you to adjust it better for your specific needs and condition, along with providing you with more insight on how it can help your health.

A simple change in your diet can bring about significant progress when it comes to your weight loss goals. From understanding the basics and how it works to providing you with starter recipes, you'll be able to learn everything you need to switch to an Alkaline diet through this book. Your body is already in an Alkaline state. Supporting the alkaline balance in your body will ensure that everything is functioning at its optimal level. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 3657

Sales info:

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Sample text:

There are plenty of benefits to eating a high alkaline diet. One of the most desirable benefits is the ability to shed weight without counting calories and exercising a great deal, which will contribute to better health.  That isn't to say you won't need to exercise at all. A healthy diet must be combined with a healthy, active lifestyle in order to achieve all of the health benefits.

Along with those ailments, obesity, which can result in diabetes and heart disease can also be prevented when you choose to eat a healthy diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables. You can enjoy this benefit by adhering to the alkaline diet. It is also important to note that too much acidity in the body can trigger chronic health issues. Among the indications that show that you have an over-acidic diet are excessive fatigue, teeth and gum problems, premature aging, pain and inflammation and your tendency to get sick frequently.

With the help of an alkaline diet, it is possible to correct too much acidity in your body, thereby preventing the mentioned conditions. Check out some of the things  you can expect when you choose to change the way you eat to be more in line with the way your ancestors ate.

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Already translated. Translated by Raquel Suárez

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