Alakaline Recipes: A Best Delicious Alkaline Smoothies Recipes by John Dupont

A Best Delicious Alkaline Smoothies Recipes

Alakaline recipes: a best delicious alkaline smoothies recipes


The body heals quickly and miraculously when we nourish it properly and give it rest. Learn how the body TRULY functions and you see how the magic to heal and live a live of vibrancy and happiness is within each and every one of us. You will be surprised at how simple and fun it is to change you life around from being sick and tired, to being Radiant, Energetic and Happy like you never thought possible.

There is a bunch of different diets available to you these days, and it’s hard to select the perfect ones. When you think about the best way of nutrition, it should be the one that has the most advantages, especially in the long-term. That is exactly what alkaline diet is as it provides you with everything you need to live a healthy lifestyle which will secure the perfect balance of your body.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 2000

Sales info:

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Sample text:

285g firm tofu

1-tbsp coconut oil

2 tomatoes or a handful of cherry tomatoes, diced

1/2-red onion, chopped

1/2-Small red pepper, chopped

Pinch of turmeric

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Pinch of Himalayan/Sea salt to taste

(Optional) 10 leaves of fresh basil, chopped finely


Crumble the tofu in your hands into a bowl.

Heat oil in a medium sized pan over medium heat.  Add onion and cook for one minute. Add red pepper and cook for another minute. 

Add tomatoes and turmeric into the tofu crumble, combine.  Add mixture to pan and fry for 2-3 minutes.

Add pepper and salt and cook until the tofu is warm and ready.

Garnish with basil, serve. 


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Cesar Suarez

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