Alakaline Diet: The Natural Way to Get Healthy and Lose Weight(Alkalizing Recipes) by David Clark

The Natural Way to Get Healthy and Lose Weight(Alkalizing Recipes)

Alakaline diet: the natural way to get healthy and lose weight(alkalizing recipes)


 the Alkaline Diet with your meals and then guzzled an acidic soda or even the wrong kind of smoothie. The delicious and nutritious drink recipes in this book are 100% Alkalising, ultra healing and guaranteed to rejuvenate every part of your body. Alkaline smoothies are a wonderful, holistic tool to help you alkalize your body to achieve your health goals so you can be the person you want to be. 

The western world has created a system of acidic chemical exposure in almost everything, including the normal foods we eat. The alkaline diet is designed to fight back against this, raise your alkalinity and give your body the tools to maintain optimal health.

One of the key factors for the overwhelming reception of the alkaline diet is its all-natural way of cleansing your system from deleterious toxins produced from waste products of your kidneys. It is the safest and most practical way of generating a potent shield against disease and the mightiest weapon to fight obesity and weight issues.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating

Word Count: 5444

Sales info:

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Sample text:

This diet is essentially one that keeps the fluids in your body in a slightly alkaline state. Properly maintained pH levels are necessary for all living things to stay healthy and thriving. When there is an imbalance in pH, especially when it becomes more acidic, it makes it easier for health issues to essentially take root and flourish. The following are key points concerning the alkaline diet:


●   Experts believe that throughout evolution, the acid level of the Western diet has steadily increased. Compared to diets from centuries ago, humans are eating more sodium and less magnesium, potassium, and chloride. This shift was made especially apparent when you explore the diet humans ate more than 200 years ago. Researchers attribute some of the shift to the mass industrialization of food supply.

●   Under normal circumstances, the kidneys are rather effective in maintaining electrolyte levels. However, when the body is being constantly assaulted by acidic substances, more electrolytes have to be used by the body to fight against them. Over time, this can result in electrolyte deficiency for the body. 

●   In a healthy diet, you should be eating 10:1 potassium to sodium. However, this ratio has drastically changed, especially in the American diet. The current ratio is closer to 1:3 potassium to sodium. This means that people are getting three times the sodium compared to how much potassium they are consuming.

●   People are simply not getting the nutrients they need. In addition to potassium, human diets are deficient in fiber, antioxidants, magnesium and essential vitamins. These critical nutrients are being overshadowed by refined fats, sodium, and simple sugars. 

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