Alakaline Diet: The Easiest Way to Create Healthy & Tasty Alkaline Diet &(Your Health Nutural) by Juan Miller

The Easiest Way to Create Healthy & Tasty Alkaline Diet &(Your Health Nutural)

Alakaline diet: the easiest way to create healthy & tasty alkaline diet &(your health nutural)


Do you feel like your health is slowly spiralling out of control? While diets that promote severe caloric restrictions or a radical changes in lifestyle do deliver results in the short term, they are nowhere near as effective in the long term, not to mention the detrimental effects they can have on health. In order to truly bring your body back to health so that it can begin to lose weight naturally and unlock abundant reserves of energy, a balanced approach to eating is needed. This approach needs to adhere to specific rules of food selection and combining that are in alignment with the biomechanisms of the human body. This approach is the Alkaline Diet.

Alkalinity and acidity are a part of our daily balance. We suffer from indigestion when we have too much acidity in our stomach. Our body digests food differently when there is too little acid or if there is too much alkaline.

His dishes can easily replace many of the foods and condiments found in today’s western diet. You can enjoy these recipes while transitioning to & maintaining a more alkaline based lifestyle, including alkaline diet.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.



Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 15558

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Sample text:

Our modern lifestyle emphasizes consumption of junk food, meat, dairy and other animal products along with processed foods and grains. These foods, which make up the bulk of many people’s diet, have an acidifying effect on the body.

The human body has the amazing ability to auto-regulate vital parameters such as pH (acid/base balance), sodium and sugar levels, water levels, blood pressure and more. Unfortunately, its regulating mechanisms sometimes have long-term detrimental effects on other biological functions.

The human body is naturally slightly alkaline. A pH above 7 indicates alkalinity, while a pH below 7 means the substance is acidic. Our blood needs to stay in the 7.53-7.45 range in order to sustain life. Anything below or above this range can have serious immediate and long-term consequences. The pH scales measures the amount of unbound hydrogen ions in a substance. Some foods break down into more free hydrogen ions than others, while other foods form hydroxyl ions when digested. Hydroxyl ions neutralize acidic (hydrogen) ions and balance the pH.

Problems arise when the pH becomes low enough that the body panics and tries to restore balance by using alkaline minerals from the bones or other structures. On a less dramatic scale, chronic mild acidosis (metabolic acidic state) caused by a lack of hydroxyl-forming foods and an excess of hydrogen ion-forming foods creates an acidic build-up inside the cells, preventing them from accomplishing their duties properly. The results are fatigue, increased chances of illness such as cancer, and nutritional deficiencies.

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