Alakaline Diet: The Alkaline Diet Today How To Lose Weight, Improve Your Health by William Collins

The Alkaline Diet Today How To Lose Weight, Improve Your Health With This Alkaline Diet

Alakaline diet: the alkaline diet today how to lose weight, improve your health


The Alkaline Diet is based on the principle that our bodies have endured so much abuse at the hands of our modern industrial food production system that we have lost our natural pH balance. We've subsisted for too long on highly processed foods and refined carbs like sugar. The Alkaline Diet is a simple and delicious way to detoxify the body from all the sugar and junk that has built up, restoring the body's natural pH balance and eliminating chronic ailments naturally!

On top of that with the recipes outlined in this book, you no longer have to spend an inordinate amount of hours in the kitchen preparing these meals. Instead what you have are quick and easy recipes you can prepare conveniently which are not only tasty, but also lead you to accomplish all your health and fitness goals. 


If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating

Word Count: 18768

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Sample text:


1 large green plantain

Celtic sea salt, to taste

1/2 lime (optional)

coconut oil (for cooking)



1.      Bring pot of salted water to boil over medium heat. Heat large pan over medium-high heat. Coat with coconut oil.

2.      Cut off ends of plantain. Carefully cut through peel down length of plantain on 4 sides. Remove thick peel.

3.      Cut plantain on sharp diagonal to make long angled 1/4 inch slices. Add to boiling water. Cook about 5 minutes, until tender but not mushy.

4.      Drain plantains on paper towels and pat to dry. Slice plantains into strips.

5.      Add par cooked plantain strips to hot oil. Cook about 2 - 4 minutes on each side, until golden brown and cooked through. Turn with tongs or slotted spoon half way through cooking.

6.      Remove cooked plantain from pan and drain on clean paper towels. Transfer to serving dish.

7.      Sprinkle with salt, to taste. Cut lime into wedges and squeeze over dish (optional).

8.      Serve hot with lime wedges.


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