A Pinstriped Finger's My Only Friend by Robert Jeschonek

Judd the teenage jock embarks on a wild journey through insane alternate realities, searching for a way home with guidance from his only true friend, his smart aleck talking pinky finger, Pinkerton.

A pinstriped finger's my only friend

Judd the popular 17-year-old jock has it all figured out. He's the star of his school, the top of the heap...but then the world starts changing around him and won't stop. Without explanation, everyone turns into purple furries...then gas-blasting puffballs...then neurotic lizards. Every time Judd falls asleep, he wakes up in a new and crazier world--a world of godlike super-teens, teenage serial killers, duck people, nudists, monsters, and more. It's like a twisted video game without rhyme or reason. The rules never stop changing, and the only thing he can depend on is his talking pinky finger with a major attitude. Together, he and Pinkerton (the finger prefers the name "Killdigit!") fight through the parade of crazy realities, seeking a way to get back to normal. But what if normal just isn't an option anymore?  Don't miss this wild fantasy by the award-winning author of MY FAVORITE BAND DOES NOT EXIST, which won the Forward National Literature Award and was named a Top Ten First Novel for Youth by BOOKLIST.

Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic

Language: English


Word Count: 83,000

Sales info:

This young adult fantasy is like ALICE IN WONDERLAND on LSD, a multiple-reality adventure tale in which the hero's surroundings and the rules of the game constantly change. It appeals to YA readers who are looking for something utterly unique, an innovative experience with strong characters and a good heart at its core. It has been read and enjoyed by readers around the world.

Sample text:

The first thing Judd Ramsey sees when he opens his eyes is...

("Yaaaahh!"  Screaming, he scrambles out of bed in a tangle of arms, legs, and bedsheets.)

...something so bizarre, so unbelievable...

(He hits the carpet on both knees, hits it hard, sending a shock up to his tailbone.)

...that it scares the crap out of him.  And that's really saying something, because Judd never scares easy, but holy smoke, what would you do...

(Lurching to his feet, he staggers through the open doorway of his bedroom, out into the hall.  His heart is pounding like a nail gun on high speed setting.)

...seriously, what would you do if you woke up from a sound sleep and looked up and saw some kind of purple, furry creature hanging from the ceiling, staring down at you...and did I mention...

(Squirming?  Are the walls squirming as he runs past, or is it some kind of optical illusion from the panic?)

...did I mention the creature's eyes are bright orange and swirling?  What about its breath that smells like gasoline with a hint of bubblegum?

That's right!  You'd do exactly what Judd does, which is run the heck outta there before this crazy thing can get its...

(Is somebody singing opera?)

...get its tentacles all over you, except what if...

(Oh no, the front door flies open all of a sudden, except it flies open downward, from the ceiling to the floor...)

...what if you ran right into the tentacles of another one just like the first...

(...and then a second creature rushes in from outside, just as purple and furry and orange-eyed as the one in his room, and this one grabs him before he can get away, and it says...)

"Good morning, son!"  That's what it says!

And it says it in the voice of his...

The voice of his mom!

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Maury Incen
Already translated. Translated by Nicolas Nikle

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
