A Modern Gay Sex Christmas Carol #6: The Spirit of XXX-Mas Present by Rod Mandelli

Paranormal Gay Erotica

A modern gay sex christmas carol #6: the spirit of xxx-mas present


Fresh from experiencing the hot gay three-way action in A Modern Gay Sex Christmas Carol #5: The Naked CEO & The Horny Freshmen Interns, Dickteaser Splooge meets the fun-loving and bearish 6'11" Spirit of XXX-Mas Present who proves that everything is proportional, including his paranormal cock. Splooge will never think of drinking a cup of holiday cheer in the same way again.

Genre: FICTION / Erotica / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Gay

Language: English


Word Count: 5,300

Sample text:

A six foot, eleven inch giant bear of a man sat in the midst of all this holiday opulence. He easily weighed over three hundred and fifty pounds, yet somehow did not seem overweight. His shirtless chest was covered in thick hair, so much so that it almost looked like he was wearing a sweater! Only the sparse hair growth on his shoulders (which created a valley between the hair on his chest and the hair on his back) gave a clue that this was not clothing. The hirsute man stuck his large finger into a cream pie on the desert table. He licked the the cream from his finger lasciviously while watching Dickteaser across the room.

The over-sized man blew a kiss towards the torch he held in his other hand. Its light grew more intense and Splooge realized that the torch was the source of the light that had shone under his bedroom door.

The bearded man held the torch higher, putting more direct light on Dickteaser's face. His commanding voice ordered Splooge, "Come closer. Get to know me better, man."

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