A charmed life in Ceylon 1953-1983 by Tony Buxton

An incredible lifestyle, impossible today

A charmed life in ceylon 1953-1983

Tony Buxton was born in 1931 in Sri Lanka. There he developed a passion for exploring underwater, before the event of SCUBA. He made a living spearfishing as well as being an underwater guide, during which time many rich and famous people, including local politicians used his services. One of them was an Italian American, whose grandfather was America's richest man. He monopolised the author's services and introduced him to a lifestyle in Europe that he hardly knew existed. There he met three of his four wives, two Swedish supermodels, and an Italian film star.  He was the first person to dive in the Maldives and southern India. Hans Hass invited him to join his filming expedition to the Andaman and Laccadive islands in the Indian ocean. He won the Ceylon National spear fishing Championships in 1959, and then went on to the World Championships in Malta where he came first on the British team.  After the event, he was invited by Jacques Cousteau to meet him in Monaco, and some years later he asked him to join him on an expedition to the Indian Ocean.  In 1959 he was appointed a member of the Ceylon Government Tourist Board. His duties were was to promote underwater tourism.

Leaving Sri Lanka in 1963, he went to Thailand where he was the first person to dive there, and he founded the Thailand sub aqua club with some Thai friends. In 1965 he embarked on a Chinese Junk from Sydney which would join up with award-winning underwater photographer Ben Crop in Fiji and star in his film "Challenge of the sea". During the filming, he explored unknown reefs in the Pacific with well-known underwater explorer Jacques Dumas.

Eventually, he moved to Singapore and was elected President of The South East Asia Diving Federation in 1966. He set up a highly profitable commercial diving venture with Exxon  (Esso) underwater cleaning ships. He took up the sport of polo with the same passion he had for diving. Playing in international tournaments, he achieved a Polo handicap of +2 and was eventually invited to play on one of the Malay sultans teams and lived in one of their palaces in Malaysia.

He retired to Thailand and at the age of 80 wrote four books about his adventures.


Secondary Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Political

Language: English

Keywords: Sri lanka, Ceylon politicians, Italian royalty, Diving and Hunting, Jaques Cousteau, hans Haas, ROME, monte Carlo

Word Count: 87000

Sales info:

ranking averages 200,000 - 500,000

sales about 10-15 per month

Sample text:

My father made a determined effort to get out of it by saying that he had to make a phone call to his head office in London every other day. He assumed that there would not be any way of doing that on a Tiger shoot. The Maharaja looked pensive.

“No problem I will have a phone cable laid out to our camp from my palace, and you will be able to make your call to London,” replied the Maharaja

My father realised that the Maharaja was serious even though it meant obtaining miles of cable and a massive operation. He couldn’t think of any other excuses to get out of the trip but felt very guilty because his London office did not expect him to telephone at all, and if he did so, he would have no idea what to say. A call from India to London in those days cost a fortune, and he was only a junior director and was not expected to make any except possibly in cases of dire emergency.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Nelmari Marais
Translation in progress. Translated by Lorena Oliveira
Translation in progress. Translated by Ricardo Cortés

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