A Cat's Guide to Bonding with Dragons by Chris Behrsin

The next dragonrider has been chosen...

The unlikely duo who might just save the world

A cat's guide to bonding with dragons

Ben must be the hungriest cat ever…

One moment, he was enjoying a breakfast of salmon trimmings in his home in South Wales. The next, he was teleported across time and space onto the cold stone floor of an evil warlock.

Locked in through day and night, Ben may have to serve him for a while. Locked in the warlock’s tower through day and night, Ben will hate this, especially having to hunt those infernal demon rats when the warlock doesn’t feed him well at all.

Meanwhile, in a distant academy, a dragon is bored out of her mind. Unable to wear a saddle, no human dares mount her. Is there anyone in this land who can ride her into battle against the forces of the evil warlocks? Somehow, she doubts she’ll ever find a suitable bond.

Unless there is another creature with enough dexterity to fulfil that role. One, perhaps, who is currently sprinting right out of a warlock’s front door…

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Humorous

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Dragons & Mythical Creatures

Language: English

Keywords: Dragons, Fantasy, Cats, Humour

Word Count: 61,500 approx.

Sales info:

The first book has sold almost 7000 copies, since it's release late december 2020 and it's gained a following of dedicated fans. It reached the top 1000 (around 850 if I recall correctly) in the US on launch, and stayed in the top 10,000 for a good 8 months. In June 2021 the book was featured by Amazon US for a Kindle Daily Deal. During this time, it reached 350 in rank. 


Note: I'll be interested in translation of the entire trilogy (three books). The other two books in the series are A Cat's Guide to Meddling with Magic and A Cat's Guide to Saving the Kingdom.

Sample text:

My story doesn’t start, unfortunately, in the hills of South Wales where I once had a good life, dashing through the long dry summer grass chasing butterflies with the heat from the sun beating against my fur.

It doesn’t start eating salty tuna straight out of the can every Sunday morning, and the remains of roasted chicken in the afternoon.

Nor does it start with me propped up against a velvet cushion that was tossed onto the sofa as I watched Tom chasing Jerry on television, amazed and slightly offended at how stupid the creators made Tom.

Instead, it starts on a muggy day, where the only way of telling the weather was the pressure on the sides of my head and the moisture I could sense in my whiskers.

It starts in a stone tower with no windows, built of roughly hewn stones, sealed together with magic rather than mortar.

It starts trapped under the service of an evil warlock who teleported me into a world and back to a time where humans only kept cats like me to chase mice and rats.

I’m not a usual cat, either in these magical lands or my original home.

I’m a Bengal, meaning I’m larger than your average house cat. But not as large as a Savannah cat, two of whom inhabited my previous neighbourhood. Nor am I as large as that beast of a cat called a Maine Coon that I saw once on television – that was the biggest domestic cat I’d ever seen. But I am a descendant of the great Asian leopard cat, which makes me special in my own right.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Amélie Kerloch

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
