A Benção by Nicolas Rosa

The history of a common thief and his cop friend who save themselves through faith.

A  benção

Rondinei, the cop, asks ''Good Thief'', the robber, a friend of his after multiple aprehesions, to protect a cargo of electronics in a nightime oddjob at the docks, as Rondinei can´t make enough for a living with just his salary. 

Having much work to do, Rondinei trusts in Good Thief to protect the goods, and Good Thief takes advantage of this to, with a manager of the warehouse they were guarding, set a spare parts racket in his back. 

An jealous dockworker rats Good Thief, and when Rondinei reports this to his superiors, they demand that him bring Good Thief to them, for being used in a brutal sales pitch for a shady security deal they want to close.

Rondinei is forced, in a traumatic exhibition, to make his friend a living example of what happens with who interferes with higher interests. 

But this situation starts a chain of events that have much more bigger consequences than Rondinei, Good Thief and the other involved persons could ever predict...


Genre: FICTION / Crime

Language: Portuguese

Keywords: Fiction, Religious, Dystopian, Orwellian, Crime, Satire, Irony, Brazil, Bahia

Word Count: 75000

Sample text:

Planejara uma aposentadoria em grande estilo: dali a algumas semanas, numa das Sessões de Desapego do Mega-Templo aonde fora recentemente designado Apostolo Executivo Financeiro, por indicação unânime dos outros Apóstolos, conclamaria por uma dádiva especial para ajudar a ampliar o estacionamento privativo. Na verdade, porém, ele aplicaria todo o dinheiro arrecadado na criação de uma denominação nova, menor que a sua original, mas aonde ele seria o Missionário Executivo Chefe, Lucas o Vice Apóstolo, e sua esposa a Bispa Geral de Recursos Humanos. Ele acreditava que o Pastor Presidente de sua atual denominação não teria como reclamar ou gastar muito com um processo por lucros cessantes, depois da tentativa de adquirir igrejas menores na África ter sido bloqueada por um governo local preocupado com a influência excessiva da denominação nos assuntos locais, e da projetada fusão com um culto sul-coreano ter fracassado por causa de uma alta repentina no dólar. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Maria Susana Hernández
Author review:
The translation is of good quality, and done in the promised schedule. If I submit some other book to Babelcube, I assuredly would trust it to her, without further thinking.
Already translated. Translated by fabian garcia huerta

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