365 Money Quotes by Xabier K. Fernao

Daily Money Quotes to Win Your Inner Game of Wealth and Master Your Millionaire Mind

365 Money Quotes

365 money quotes

If we are not born rich, do we first have the mindset of the rich or do we become rich first before having the mindset of the rich?


You know the answer.


Mindset precedes everything. Mindset precedes more money, more happiness, more success, more health and more wealth.


In this 365 Money Quotes, you’ll be exposed to the top 365 Money Quotes by people who’ve achieved insane amount of wealth and money.


No. These quotes aren’t going to make you rich overnight. They’re not the fancy get rich quick scheme. They’re not about the 5 steps to make a million dollar. If that doesn’t interest you, stop reading.


However, what these 365 Quotes will do for you is this…


They’ll prepare you for riches. They’ll be your foundation so that when massive opportunities arrives for you, you are ready to jump towards it with no hesitance.

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Decision-Making & Problem Solving

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Education

Language: English

Keywords: audiobook audio books audible paperback hardcover, quotes motivational positive inspirational life, educational self discipline control money wisdom, money and the law of attraction esther jerry hicks, clip belt diaries envelopes for cash frog gun, master game book by tony robbins necklace pen, checker quadrant receipt books safe tree

Word Count: 8442

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Sample text:

365 Days of Money Quotes

Day 1

Making money is art and working is art,

 And good business is the best art

- Andy Warhol



Day 2

Take a better stand.

Put money in my mom's hand,

Get my daughter this college plan,

So she don’t need no man.

- Bigie



Day 3

If you're saving, you're succeeding

- Steve Burkholder



Day 4

It’s not how much money you make,

But how much money you keep,

How hard it works for you,

And how many generations you keep it for.

- Robert Kiyosaki



Day 5

If you wish to get rich,

Save what you get.

A fool can earn money,

But it takes a wise man to save

 and dispose of it to his own advantage.

- Brigham Young



Day 6

The way to stop financial joyriding,

 Is to arrest the chauffeur,

Not the automobile

- Woodrow Wilson



Day 7

The habit of saving is itself an education;

 It fosters every virtue,

Teaches self-denial and cultivates the sense of order,

Trains to forethought and so broadens the mind

- T.T. Munger

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Olga Lima
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