25 ODES to Rachna Ma’am by Mike Watson

“It’s so comforting to see a man treat his superior with an appropriate amount of respect and awe”

25 ODES to Rachna Ma’am

25 odes to rachna ma’am

Yes, Ma’am, it is!

That was an actual Twitter user – a lady – who wrote in about my constant odes to my wife, how I keep posting about her, my groveling odes that even submissives and sissies have shaken their heads in wonder at i.e. “how can he worship her THAT MUCH!”

Though all comments are welcome, those made my females - with the REAL brain as opposed to men - little brain - really matter to me! (and its obvious why, or should be).

And she’s right.

Think about it, I even thank her for taking a crap in the mornings!

Now, to be honest, that sort of extreme groveling in front of women in general – well, it’s nothing new to me!

I’ve always treated and thought of women as the superior sex or gender, and I’ve always, in this regard, been a huge proponent of the “her way or highway” way of thinking – provided the guy and girl are both into it, which they should be! ;)

And YOU are definitely into this or you wouldn't be here, hehe.

Chances are excellent and second to none you’re a male (married, or hoping to be) submissive or sissy reading this – someone that WISHES their wife or significant other was more dominating, someoone that WANTS her to be.

Chances are also great youre a lady reading this – enjoying, as a certain Madam Athena did – my odes to my wife.

On that note, why do I call her Rachna Ma’am, and not “Memsahib” or “Goddess” or some of the more grovely, submissive sounding terms I’ve used?

Well, partly because as my first Editor once so sagely told me, that might be overkill i.e. calling her Goddess at EACH turn, or more!

Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t do it.

I still call her that!

But, femdom is so NORMAL in our lives that even saying “Rachna” – well, it’s not the WORD you’re using, it’s the VIBE!

So long as the vibe shines through, that is what is needed, and is what ATTRACTS.

Anything else is not necessarily overkill, but not required as well.

Additionally, keeping one foot in the real world was something else the good ole Editor emphasized, and he was right. Hehe.

Yours truly, of course, takes it to a whole NEW level by … well, “REAL life mixed in with a dab of creative license”, NOT the other way around.

Anyway …. in the first tip, you’ll see my wifes job is a recruiter. And she keeps getting called Rachna Ma’am so many times and I hear it all day, so … well, …

Repetition of the same chant, the same affirmation, the same incantations, leads to BELIEF.

Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to HAPPEN!

Thats the great Claude Bristol quote from the Magic of Believing I NEVER tire of repeating either mentally or otherwise, I even have it on my desktop, plain black words on white, or white on black, but they make more impact than anything else ever has in my life.

Period, no pun!

And femdom wise, well…

I had it from childhood!


So while this book doesn’t have any how to’s, it does have PROOF that what I teach works – as if you needed proof from someone whose routinely called the “Real Mc Coy of femdom and fetish”, hehe.

The main thing though is how YOU, the reader can draw inspiration from these odes, and use them to YOUR advantage, either from a submissive standpoint and/or a dominant standpoint.

That is the real point of this book.

You, dear Reader, will NEVER EVER FIND A WOMAN more dominating than Rachna Ma'am - well, you might - but so NATURALLY commanding, superior, dominating to the point of literally treating every other male like utter DIRT - well, my wife is the reigning Queen there!

I'm so lucky - and therefore, these odes to her.

More on the way soon!

For now - pucker up - she loves it. (or if you're a FEMALE reading this, make your man do it, she loves that even more - per the advice she gives all her friends regularly!)

And enjoy!

Genre: FICTION / Erotica / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Erotica / BDSM

Language: English

Keywords: tales of femdom from the indian subcontinent, indian femdom, femdom odes

Word Count: 15478

Sales info:

Going superlatively well on Amazon, as well as my own website!!


Sample text:

1. What I do to make my wife’s job easier…


Not that she has a lot of ’em, many, or any!

Finances, well, we all know whose responsible. Hehe.

But she works “part time” as a recruiter, and it’s an insanely frustrating job at the best of times, especially these days.

Now, something I’ve often said about recruiters and it’s true – for the most part, theyre about as useful as screen doors on a submarine. Hehe.

My wife used to be a recruiter back in the day too, and I still remember Madam sending me off on a job interview (back when I DID work a job) “because it may work out” – she hadn’t even looked at my resume. Hehe.

She did, however, call me and remind me not to wear jeans to the interview!

Misplaced priorities – or lesson to be learnt in the future – you decide! Hehe.

The way she tutored me on the phone, I still remember (chortling). Hehe.

Anyway ………

As she deals with her job, I dont just massage her legs, feet, back and all that – I dont just wash her feet while she works, and give her pedicures.

Often times, and especially NOW as she lies there, that BIG, expanding , VOLPTOUS ass in those extra large shorts which are also getting tight, the flab of the stomach SO VISIBLE she lies there in THAT profound pose, soles at the ceiling – oh my! – …

I’ll kiss the back of her legs, calves, feet, repeatedly, I’ll keep rubbing them, but most of all – I’ll lick her ass – her rosebud – and kiss those lovely ass cheeks over and over again until a point.

SOmetimes I’ll give her head in both areas too!

But all of this was hard for to “tolerate” without getting SO aroused she didnt want to work – back in the day.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

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