(21b) Ketogenic Diet recipes: keto Diet Guide on Natural Foods to Change Eating Habits by Peter Herrera

keto Diet Guide on Natural Foods to Change Eating Habits

(21b) ketogenic diet recipes: keto diet guide on natural foods to change eating habits


Ketogenic is a diet that will help burn fat rather than sugar. You can do this by consuming more fat and less carbohydrates. Basically the diet is high in fat, with adequate protein and low in carbohydrates. The diet changes the way energy is used in the body. Fat is converted into ketone and fatty acids in the liver. Ketogenic diet also lower the glucose level and improve insulin resistance. An increase in the level of ketone in the blood is a state referred to as ketosis, which will help reduce the occurrence of epileptic seizures. Unlike other diets, ketogenics is all or nothing. You need to be committed in order to convert your body from a carb-burning to a fat-burning mechanism. By building your meals and snacks around “good fat” and high-protein foods you will not only lose weight but improve your overall health and mental focus. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 10183

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Sample text:

For the bread, preheat the oven to 310°F and line a baking sheet with parchment.

Beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar and salt until soft peaks form.

Whisk the cream cheese and egg yolk until smooth and pale yellow.

Fold in the egg whites a little at a time until smooth and well combined.

Spoon the batter onto the baking sheet into two even circles.

Bake for 50  minutes until firm and lightly browned.

To complete the sandwich, layer the sliced meats and cheeses between the two bread circles.

Grease a skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium heat.

Add the sandwich and cook until browned underneath, then flip and cook until the cheese is just melted.

Whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and mustard in a shallow dish.

Season the steak with salt and pepper, then toss in the marinade.

Let marinate for 1 hour then slide onto skewers with the peppers.

Preheat a grill pan to high heat and grease with cooking spray.

Cook the kebabs for 5 to 10  minutes on each side until the beef is done.

Combine the broth and cauliflower in a saucepan over medium-high heat.

Bring the chicken broth to a boil then add the sliced leeks.

Boil on medium heat, covered, for 1-1 ½  hour until the cauliflower is tender.

Remove from heat and puree the soup with an immersion blender.

Stir in the cream, then season with salt and pepper.

Fry the chopped pancetta in a skillet over medium-high heat until crisp.

Spoon the soup into bowls and sprinkle with pancetta to serve.



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