(18B)Dukun Diet: he Ultimate Guide On How To Lose Wight Quicklyand burn Belly Fats by Gladys Archer

Millions of people around the world

(18b)dukun diet: he ultimate guide on how to lose wight quicklyand burn belly fats

Millions of people around the world have used the unique four-step Dukan diet plan to lose extra pounds. In our book, you will find only the most important information on how to follow this diet and some recipes to start with. We did not include various thoughts and conjectures.

With the book, you will find the genuine mystery behind weight reduction: how to get in shape and how to keep it off. Through this program, you will find out about the things that you should do and the things that you ought to stay away from to accomplish enduring outcomes.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: dukan diet, dukan diet cookbook, dukan diet recipes, dukan diet for beginner, the ultimate dukan diet guide, the dukan diet made easy, How to Lose Weight Fast

Word Count: 7269

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.
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Maximum but not limited to - 60 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $126 per month
Annual Earnings per book - Minimum Estimate - $63 * 12 = $756 per year.
Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.
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Sample text:


The Dukan diet is thе brainchild of Frеnсh nutritionist Dr Pіеrrе Dukan, аnd іnvоlvеѕ a high-protein, lоw-саrbоhуdrаtе selection оf mеаlѕ tо promote muscle strength and mіnіmіѕе fаt.

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