(16b)Keto Diet: Healthy Recipes to Boost Energy and Lose Weight Quickly (Plant-Based keto Diet) by Clyde Parks

Healthy Recipes to Boost Energy and Lose Weight Quickly (Plant-Based keto Diet)

(16b)keto diet: healthy recipes to boost energy and lose weight quickly (plant-based keto diet)

The biggest thing to happen to the ketogenic diet since fat bombs, The Big Book of Ketogenic Diet Cooking is an unmatched reference with the largest collection of recipes and meal plans yet for keeping up with the ketogenic diet.

Fat in the liver typically develops when a person consumes more fat and sugars than his or her body can handle. This is more common in people who are overweight or obese, but can also occur in adults with healthy body weights. If that fat builds up to more than 8% of the liver, then the liver is considered to be a fatty liver. Although having this condition may not cause any immediate harm, there is a concern that the extra fat in the liver might make the liver vulnerable to further injury such as inflammation and scarring.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 8694

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Sample text:


2 tablespoons double cream

1 egg

2 ounces pork rinds, crushed

2 ounces Romano cheese, grated

Sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon dried parsley

1 garlic clove, halved

1/2 pound chicken fillets

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 large-sized Roma tomato, pureed



In a mixing bowl, whisk the cream and egg.

In another bowl, mix the crushed pork rinds, Romano cheese, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and dried parsley.

Rub the garlic halves all over the chicken. Dip the chicken fillets into the egg mixture; then, coat the chicken with breading on all sides.

Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat; add ghee. Once hot, cook chicken fillets until no longer pink, 2 to 4 minutes on each side.

Transfer the prepared chicken fillets to a baking pan that is lightly greased with a nonstick cooking spray. Cover with the pureed tomato. Bake for 2 to 3 minutes until everything is thoroughly warmed. Bon appétit!

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