(12B)Alkaline Diet: Step By Step Guide to adopt Alkaline Diet immediately by Andres Chung

The Alkaline Diet helps you to eat healthy

(12b)alkaline diet: step by step guide to adopt alkaline diet immediately

The Alkaline Diet helps you to eat healthy, stay healthy and live your life the way you should. It consists of useful 

information about the best alkaline meal plan to help you reduce body acids that cause illnesses and diseases. The Alkaline 

Diet is both a preventative and curative diet, because it prevents many illnesses and diseases while reversing any health 

conditions that arise when acid-forming foods are consumed in excess. An acidic body creates an environment which encourages 

many illnesses and diseases to develop. The body communicates when things go wrong and in case of excess acidity, there is 

pain, discomfort, acid influx and other signs and symptoms. Waiting until you fall sick to correct your diet is not the way 

to go. You need to be proactive and take charge of your life by consuming a well-balanced Alkaline Diet that will ensure 

that you are healthy at all times. 

This book will also teach you what items to eat, what to limit, what to avoid, how to gauge if you’re in a state where too 

much acid is present and what to do to improve your health. To help you get started with the alkaline diet, this book 

includes a complete 14-day meal plan and many alkaline diet recipes you can use to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and 


Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, alkaline cookbook, alkaline diet recipes, diet, alkaline, alkaline diet for beginner

Word Count: 4925

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Sample text:

Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Servings: 2  


1½ cups fresh raspberries  
6 ounces firm silken tofu, drained  
1/8 teaspoon coconut extract  
1 teaspoon powdered stevia  
1½ cups unsweetened almond milk  
¼ cup ice cubes, crushed  


Add all the ingredients in a high-speed blender and pulse until smooth.  
Pour the smoothie into two glasses and serve immediately.  

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Leonardo Feitosa

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